The webinar series organized by Roche Finland and Orla DTx focuses on the most significant administrative reform of Finnish healthcare, where the main goal is the promotion of sustainable healthcare, facilitating access to treatment and ensuring continuity of treatment.
In the first webinar, ‘Effectiveness-based healthcare – towards the sustainable operation of wellbeing services counties’, we heard excellent presentations by Ville-Veikko Ahonen from the Ministry of Finance, Tuomas Nikoskinen from NHG and Jari Haverinen from FinCCHTA. Tuomas Mäkynen from Orla DTx was the studio host.
You can watch the video of the webinar on Roche Finland’s website (in Finnish).
The main messages during the energizing morning were:
- In the health and social services reform, a unified operating culture is especially important, which creates the basis for all activities. Currently, the focus is on stabilizing basic operations and strategic work to unify and renew service networks.
- Transitioning to effective digital solutions will help with the national healthcare personnel shortage, enable needs-based treatment, and promote the sustainability of the public finances – this cannot be achieved with old models. The productivity potential of renewing service networks is enormous, and it requires the commitment of the entire country and the wellbeing services counties.
- Understanding the chain of command is important to achieve the desired results, i.e., good services for customers. When choosing service networks, you must know how to make choices that sustainably support healthcare – for example, using effectiveness as a key criterion for service procurement.
- In Finland, Digi-HTA (Health Technology Assessment, HTA) is in use, which evaluates healthcare methods for all new digital health and wellbeing products.
- In the Digi-HTA assessment, the best available information is combined to support health policy and clinical decision-making, i.e., the assessment helps welfare areas in the procurement of services. The five key areas of the evaluation provide information on how well the service supports effectiveness criteria and sustainable healthcare.
1) Effectiveness
2) Cost
3) Safety
4) Data protection and security
5) Usability and accessibility