Optimize the treatment pathway of your anticoagulation- and asthma patients with Orla Remote Monitoring

Orla DTx Oy is known for developing new digital therapeutics (DTx). Currently Orla has two digital remote measurement solutions on the market, Orla INR Remote Monitoring and Orla PEF Remote Monitoring. These remote measurement solutions have already enhanced the treatment pathway of thousands of patients and saved both time and money – and above all, led to better treatment results.
More information about our INR and PEF solutions can be found on this page.

The principle of the service

The principle of Orla Remote Monitoring is shown in the picture below.
The system consists of three main points:

  1. User interface
  2. Cloud service
  3. Integration

These three enable remote patient monitoring, contact with the healthcare professional as well as automatic data transfer. 

When information is systematically accumulated to data lakes and can be linked to already existing historical data of patients, both data management and data-driven decision making are possible.

Principle of service - Orla Dtx